Excavating “Excavating AI”

by | 2021-09-14

In 2019, without seeking our permission or informing us, Kate Crawford and Trevor Paglen made use of the JAFFE dataset for their art exhibitions and the self-published, populist web essay Excavating AI. Crawford and Paglen violated the JAFFE terms of use and the conditions under which the JAFFE volunteers gave informed consent.

Here are parts I and II of my commentary on their abuse of the JAFFE dataset:

pt I: Excavating “Excavating AI”: The Elephant in the Gallery

pt II: “Excavating AI” Re-excavated: Debunking a Fallacious Account of the JAFFE Dataset

In September 2021, after being rudely slandered on Twitter by Trevor Paglen, I wrote a shorter essay:

Indiscretions of a Contemporary Artist

The essay is also available as a pdf file.